Hyper Lite vs Trigger 7 Pro

Beiträge: 7
Registriert: Di 18. Jul 2023, 07:19
Wohnort: Phoenix

Hyper Lite vs Trigger 7 Pro

Beitrag von Gamer311 »

Hey folks, I hope everyone is well! just wondering if anybody has used these both sticks (HyperLite vs Trigger 7 Pro) and what their opinion on them is, I have used Bauer all my life but I honestly am not feeling my Nexus Sync anymore. I take a lot of snapshots and the low-kick sticks are better for me. I had the 1x lite and liked it but I broke 3 of them, I’ve heard the Hyperlite is basically the same, and the release on the CCM trigger 7 pro pops more off the stick and is more (consistent).
Just Let me know your thoughts, Thanks

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: Fr 11. Aug 2023, 23:05

Re: Hyper Lite vs Trigger 7 Pro

Beitrag von Jackson »

Hi, I would recommend Go with the 7 Pro. Its an Awesome stick I have personally had experienced. Solid pop and the best blade feel going right now. Its personal but I think right now CCM is building the best sticks in the game and the 7 Pro is the class leader.

Beiträge: 7
Registriert: Di 18. Jul 2023, 07:19
Wohnort: Phoenix

Re: Hyper Lite vs Trigger 7 Pro

Beitrag von Gamer311 »

Thanks for the input, I guess I’m going to go with it. I’ve heard nothing but good things about the 7 pro. I just want the P92 max blade

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Registriert: Mi 3. Jan 2024, 16:48

Re: Hyper Lite vs Trigger 7 Pro

Beitrag von itevaf »

How has your experience been with the Bauer Nexus Sync, and what specific features or performance aspects are you hoping for in the CCM Trigger 7 Pro, especially with your preference for low-kick sticks and a desire for a solid blade feel? Additionally, have you considered any other stick models, or is the Trigger 7 Pro your primary choice?
